Annual Review 2020 3D Media in Barcelona

Crew presented the results of their research in “Cinematography in Omnidirectional Video” at the annual review meeting of the European project 2020 3D Media. (18/05/2010 – 21/05/2010)

Direct translation of classical cinematographic parameters into immersive media proves to be problematic. We explore traditional editing principles and analyse how they create continuity within both the cinematographic image and the immersive environment. In this report we highlight which of these strategies are compatible with immersive experiences and which, on the contrary, do not correspond. Surround sound, framing, composition and tactile congruence are proposed as alternative formal conditions of continuity and immersion. The combination of all these parameters is applied and explored in the artistic production Line Up.

The report can be found on the website of, under ‘Resources’, or directly as pdf here

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